Week 26

3 Aug – 10 Aug 2008 Rain drops keep falling on my head…… this song has been spinning round the whole week synchronise with the weather, we have very humid wet days.  This affect most plants to puff up and the warm sunny spell in short appearance really did stimulate the growth too.  Besides busy at the plot, I have to whiz up a birthday roast for handy man, I would not miss the open ceremony of the Olympic Game too….. I shall glue in front the screen for my favourite sports for a while in the coming two weeks…. really where to find time to dig my plot…..

Highlights of this week

Flower power

The real bloom is catching up in this wet and humid plus the sudden sunny spell weather, you can see that all flowering and vegetating are doing all right…..

French runner beans

New Project of this week


The intended shed relocation has started rolling, catch in between wet and dry spell, hopefully will be fixed it next week…..

Pumpkin supporter

After harvesting and cut down the worn out sweet peas, the tripod use as the mini pumpkin support…..

Produces of this week

Beans and cabbages, beetroot and carrots…. eat as much as my hearty please….

Bits & Pieces

I have caught some glimpse of other plotter’s progress in their achievement…..very interesting, lot of successes except for one….