Week 39

3rd November – 9th November 2008

At long last the new USA president election is over, Barack Obama is the new guy for the country…..

Here in UK the interest rate slashed from 4.5% to 3%…….

My Plot 25A has experienced the first frost under my management….and this is important to me and I am going to deal with it…….It tells that things happening all around you and you can only manage what you can manage……..

Highlights of this week

The frosty weather only fly by this time, a starter of the winter sign.  When there has a dry warm spell, my dear JCB voluntarily to help to dig over some rows….. may be I can sow board beans later on……

Still I have plant some garlic bulbs this week and planted out 5 x autumn bliss raspberry plants given by Hazel…..

There are lots of plants still growing at this time of year…. carrots, leeks, cabbages, swedes and some more…..